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Welcome to Gone to the Dogs 

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Hi there, I'm Maya Pack Leader and Owner of Gone to the Dogs!

When I started this journey in October 2018 my goal was to help dogs fulfill their need for adventure while feeding my soul with nature.  In May 2022 I attended Training Cesar's Way where I gained invaluable insights into the Fundamentals of Dog Psychology and Behavior. This knowledge has become the backbone of my work, both with my packs and my training clients. My goal is simple but profound: to fulfill every aspect of your dog's being—mind and body.




Grounded in the principles of dog psychology, my training programs focus on fostering understanding, clear communication, and confident leadership.  Acquire the insights, strategies, and support needed to set you on the path to a well-behaved dog, leading to a calmer and more confident version of yourself.


​**Pack Walks are exclusively for clients who have done/are doing training with me.**

Pack Walks are Tuesday to Friday 


We practice healthy socialization and calm coexistence from pick up through to drop off. Connection based training provides the environment to continue the goals you have set out to achieve for your dog through mutual consistency.



**Dog Boarding is a courtesy offered exclusively to pack hike clients only. **


Short term and long term stays available in my home on

Quadra Island, BC.  

Boarding includes the daily 3-hour Pack Walk(Tuesday-Friday), Full Day and Sleepover.  Food is provided by the owner.



Community Pack Walks

Exclusively for:  Existing Training and Pack Clients

Join us for our FREE monthly Community Pack Walk. This event is designed to be a place where dogs and owners in all stages of their training journey can get together and practice safe and structured socialization skills with their dogs.  

Upcoming Dates:   July 27, 2024
                        August 24, 2024
                        September 14, 2024


Want to learn more about Dog Psychology?

My "Let's Talk About Dog Psychology" handout is free for download!  

What do clients say about training with me?

Maya provided a calm and safe environment to help understand how to build a relationship with our dog. She helped me better understand our puppy’s needs and behaviours and gave tools in an easy to understand way. She provided different methods to meet a diversity of learning so that the information would really sink in. She really made every effort to provide clear information and would slow her pace if needed, there is no rushing. Maya helped me be accountable in a fun and non judgmental way! She is magic with dogs and is truly wonderful to be supported by. Maya’s passion, care and love of dogs is evident. I highly recommend Maya and look forward to more training with her as my puppy ages!                                             ~Tasha E
I don’t walk out the door in fear anymore. I walk out the door with confidence and calm. Maya has taught me that training starts with me being calm and the dogs being in tune with me before we leave the house. I can walk my dogs in public and with other dogs, I pay attention to body language and redirect accordingly. I can not put into words how much Maya’s training has changed me as a person and as a dog owner.
                                                        ~Deb J  
Having owned many dogs in the past my impression of what it took to train a dog was not only wrong it was damaging for my fur family members. Maya has transformed the way we live with Otis, we don't just love our pup, we 'like' him a lot too! Without Maya training our family to welcome our pup properly, provide consistency, calm boundaries and ultimately clear communication we would not have been able to manage a dog. Shes truly a rockstar!
                                                ~Kirstie S
Maya is a miracle worker!  Our wild beauty, Oni, was absolutely running the show when we called Maya.  She immediately read the situation and coached us on how to take control and take the pressure off our pup to make sense of the chaos out there in the world.  Now walking is a joy, there is little to no barking in the house anymore and the big anxieties that Oni had(like those terrifying garbage cans) are no longer a big deal!  Maya is so kind, supportive and confident in her extensive knowledge.  I cannot recommend her enough!                                      ~Jeff L
Maya has been such a huge help for not only my dog's confidence but for mine as well.  Holly makes such progress after our training sessions and I always leave feeling calmer and more in control.  I cannot recommend her enough if you are looking for help with your dog!                                               ~Keltie S   
Thank you!  This class[Pack Leader Group Series] is just what I needed to push and motivate myself to be better for myself and Tucker.                  ~Laurie K

Not sure where to start?
Quadra Island, BC, Canada

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